Tuesday, 10 January 2017

An Assignment on International Marketing-task 3 & 4

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3.1. Producing a set of international marketing objectives for the falcon 8X

Without specific objectives, a firm cannot take any decision to internationalise their product. Brazil’s aircraft market is very competitive. Numbers of giant companies are operating their business in this market. Hence, Dassault should add some unique features in their product. Fortunately, the new Falcon 8X consists of some unique features than Embrear jet. The unique features are long range fly around 6,450nm, more cabin, eight seats and three engines (Davis, 2016). Some important objectives of international marketing for the company new aircraft Falcon 8X are given below:

  • Brazil is one the most rapid developing countries and a major business hub.
  • The number of high income class people is increasing in Brazil thus they can bear the travelling fare.
  • Falcon 8X has long range flying capability and three engines compared to other similar jet.
  • Falcon 8X is a cost efficient aircraft than Embrear produced jet aircraft.

For these competitive advantages, Dassualt has decided to sell Falcon 8X in Brazilian market.

3.2. Creating a plan to enter into Brazilian market

When a firm gains more competencies, it can take an initiative to enter into foreign market. There are several methods entering into foreign market mentioned by Thompson et al (2014), those are given below;

In this method, a firm produces products in home country and export products in foreign country. This is very effective entry modes in international market. For example; falcon 8X can produce in France and then export to Brazil.

In this process, a firm give the permission to a foreign firm produces their product against royalty fee. In other words, technological know-how is transfer to a foreign firm in licensing. For example; Dassault can handover falcon 8X technological know-how to Embraer against royalty.

It this method, a firm (franchiser) give the give the permission to a foreign firm (franchisee) using their brand and impose the franchisor’s rules and regulations which are abiding by the franchisee. For example, The Company can select Embraer as a franchisee of Falcon 8X aircraft.

Joint venture
In this method, parent company establishes alliance with a host country’s firm and operates the business organisation with a new name. For example; The Company can establish a joint venture and can operate in the name of Dassaut-Embraer Inc.

Wholly owned subsidiary
In this method, a firm purchases an existing firm in the host country or build completely new firm in the host country. For example; Dassault can build completely new production facilities in Brazil.

For the Falcon 8X, the most appropriate entry mode in Brazilian market is exporting. Licensing and franchising are not possible because it requires to handover technological know-how which mean The company need to handover their technological know-how to Embraer, the only capable company in Brazil. Wholly owned subsidiary requires huge cost and risk, so it is unfavourable. Create joint venture with Brazilian company also not favourable due to transferring the technologies. So, exporting is the best option for entering into Brazilian market with Falcon 8X. 

3.3 Identifying the international marketing mix for Brazilian market

International marketing mixes for Brazilian market are price, place, product and promotion.

Organisation makes plan about its product while takes decision to enter into international market. Selecting the right product is essential because different market holds demand of different products (Zou and Fu, 2011). However, Falcon 8X jet is the most advanced and standardise product which can satisfy the needs of Brazilian customers.   

Determining the appropriate price is very important because customers are too much sensitive about price. Falcon 8X is highly technological based product and its customers are little concern about price rather focuses on the quality. So, market skimming pricing technique is suitable.

Falcon 8X jet is not consumer product and its customers are various multimillionaire individuals and aviation Service Company. Direct and online promotion techniques are suitable for Brazilian market. Both English and Portuguese languages are used in promotion. 

Falcon 8X jet will be sale through online market place and direct marketing. The customer can negotiate with The company Aviation over online and place their orders for Falcon 8X. The company will deliver the product to the Brazilian customer through import agent in Brazil.

3.4. Environmental and ethical issues in Brazil market

Environmental issue and ethical issue are two most talking issues not only domestic business operations but also international business operations. However, to ensure good corporate governance, every country has established own rules and regulations. Besides these, various international guidelines regarding environment and ethical matter also are needed to follow by the organisations. Brazil is very strict to about environment issue and ethical issue. However, the country has signed in Paris Climate Change Convention in 2015. Brazil also signed in anti-corruption legal framework of BRICS to make sure ethical business practices (Kimberley, 2013). These issues should be considered very seriously by the company while doing business in Brazil.

Dassualt Aviation can ensure ethical issue by following the government rules and regulations regarding ant-corruption, CSR programme, advertisement ethics, respect local culture etc. The company basically exports Falcon 8X to Brazil, so environmental issue requires to give little concern. 

Task 4

4.1. Describing the necessity to monitor international marketing plan

The nature of international market is dynamic than domestic market. There are many importance of monitoring international marketing plan such as;
  • Firm has no control over the external environment in foreign market and they little bargaining power.
  • Governments always try to protect domestic firms.
  • Cultural conditions, demographic conditions, political conditions, and other issues have great influence on a foreign firm.
  • To gain strong position against rivals strategies.
The Brazilian market is very competitive for aircraft manufacturing companies. More than 60% aircraft market share is solely captured by Embrear (Fisher, 2015). Boeing and Airbus are already doing competition with Embraer. For these reasons, Dassault Aviation needs to continuously monitor their international marketing plan to sustain in the competition in Brazilian market. Otherwise, the company will be kicked out from the market with huge loss.

4.2. Assessing the ways of controlling export channels

Export channel is the process through which a firm sells their products or services to the final customers by using suitable intermediaries in the foreign market. The types of products or services influence on selecting the appropriate export channel. At least one importing agent should need in the host country in export channel. The main advantage of controlling export channel is that it ensures the flaws in export channel which will reduce costs and delivery time.

Dassault can control its export channel by following ways;
  • Maintaining the distribution channel small which reduce costs.
  • Offering quality item to the customer effectively through suitable intermediaries.
  • Appointing the import agent who has low bargaining power.
  • Renewing the contract with the most efficient import agent after the expiry of the contract time.  

4.3. Barriers to international marketing

International market is always challenging for various reasons. The major barriers that the Dassault Aviation may face in Brazil are as follows;

Cultural barriers: This is very common barrier that every foreign firm will face in host country. The cultural barrier arises due to language, ethnic group, belief, social tradition etc.

Government policy: Government tax policy, fiscal policy, and restriction on transferring profits to home country for certain time etc. hampers in business operations.

Barrier from competitors: The existing firms always discourage new competitors in the market. They always try to create different obstacles such as file case into the court to prevent the foreign firms operations in the market, reduce price greatly which affect on the foreign firms etc. (Rugman and Collinson, 2012).

Bargaining power of import agent: When the bargaining power of import agent is high, foreign firms may face difficulty to export products.

Theses aforementioned barriers in Brazilian market will affect on promotion strategies, pricing strategies, and competition strategies of Dassault.

4.4. Assessing methods of communication with key international marketing personnel

Communication is the process to share opinion or views to other. In business, communication is one of major parts of business operations. There are various methods through which Dassault’s head office can communicate with international marketing personnel.

Written communication: Written communication by official letter, business memo etc. The advantage of this method is that it gives formal documentation. The disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming to reach at the hand of international marketing personnel.

Face-to-face: This method can be conducted by meeting. The main advantages of face-to-face communication are immediate response, express of feelings, suitable for group discussion, increase interpersonal relationships etc. The disadvantages of this method are difficult to practice in international marketing communication, not effective in large gatherings etc.

Online communication: This can be conducted through e-mail, Skype, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. The advantage of this method is full time connection with the desired marketing personnel. This method is inappropriate in remote location where no internet connection is available. 

Oral communication:  This can be conducted via mobile phone or land phone. The main advantage is quick contact with the require personnel. It is costly which the main disadvantage.  

All of these communication methods are used by top management to communicate with international marketing personnel. Written communication is used in formal occasions and other methods are used in informal occasions (Newman, 2014). All methods have parallel importance to Dassault’s communication process.


Every organisation’s motto is to gain maximum market share and ensure sustainable growth. International market is always attracting organisation to be a global brand. Entering into international market is not easy for a firm because it requires several qualities such as unique features of product, core competencies in operations, funds, selecting appropriate foreign market, selecting appropriate international marketing strategies etc. Moreover, the success of the international marketing also depends on selecting appropriate entry method strategy, continuous monitoring of the strategies and its appropriateness to defeat rivals. When an organisation can adopt all these factors, it can able to compete in international market successfully. 


Davis, A. (2016) Dassualt Falcon 8X-buyer’s and investor’s guide. [Online]. Available from: http://corporatejetinvestor.com/articles/dassault-falcon-8x-buyers-and-investors-guide/ (Accessed: 31 March 2016).

Kimberley, B. (2013) Brazil’s clean company act continues the trend of increased risk exposure for companies operating in BRIC countries. [Online]. Available from: http://corporatecomplianceinsights.com/brazils-clean-company-act-continues-the-trend-of-increased-risk-exposure-for-companies-operating-in-bric-countries/ (Accessed: 1 April 2016).

Newman, A. (2014) Business Communication. 9th Edition. Stamford: Cengage Learning.

Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., Strickland, A. and Jain, A. (2014) Crafting and Executing Strategy. 19th Edition. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd.

Zou, S. and Fu, H. (2011) International marketing. Bingley: Emerald.

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